Terror Bill clears first hurdle unfortunately
The conservatives are idiots, they could have maimed Tony's terror bill but decided to back it!
Most Conservatives, led by home affairs spokesman David Davis, backed the bill, giving it a majority of 378.They should kill it! Kill it now! Kill it before it escapes! With this and not voting against ID Cards if David Davis becomes leader of the Conservatives it will take a lot to make me vote for them. Ken Clarke voted against, and I disagree with him on many things but in this he was completely correct. As did Clare Short. There is hope even for Mr Davis as
Mr Davis told MPs longer detention was "a fundamental sticking point".And good on the Liberal Democrats
Despite talking to police and security services, he had "yet to hear a convincing argument for this measure".
Lib Dem home affairs spokesman Mark Oaten replied: "Real opposition and principled opposition is about making a stand on this key issue of holding suspects without charge."
Lib Dem leader Charles Kennedy has said there is no "consensus", even within the government, over some of the bill's "wrong" measures.
With this and not voting against ID Cards if David Davis becomes leader of the Conservatives it will take a lot to make me vote for them
Erm. David Davis is leading the opposition to ID cards in the Conservative party. It was only under Michael Howard's disastrous support that he was whipped into supporting them, albeit reluctantly. Now, the Conservatives have taken a more principled stance. If Davis becomes leader, expect an even harder line against them.
But he didn't vote in the final vote against before it was sent to the Lords, and on this issue I am a heartless tyrant that demands perfection ... or better.
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